A Civic CERN: Superintelligence for the People

1 years ago

A Civic CERN: Superintelligence for the People


This article proposes the establishment of a "Civic CERN," a research and development organization dedicated to understanding and facilitating democratic governance, particularly in the context of climate transition. The author draws inspiration from the ambition, audacity, and cooperation of scientists at CERN in Geneva. The author argues that the challenges of climate transition are comparable in magnitude to the moon landing mission and require a similar level of ambition, audacity, and resources. They propose that a Civic CERN would focus on understanding the institutional, economic, social, and values-based changes necessary for a successful democratic climate transition. The author highlights the importance of tacit knowledge, gained through lived experiences, and collective intelligence, where the sum of knowledge and solutions generated by a group is greater than the individual contributions. They cite examples of successful co-creation and citizen assembly models, demonstrating the power of citizen involvement in governance. The author emphasizes the urgency of addressing climate transition and the importance of empowering citizens with the knowledge and tools to navigate this transition effectively. They call for a Civic CERN to be established in wealthy countries, where resources and expertise can be dedicated to this critical endeavor.

Table of contents

With the audacious ambition of the moon landing mission, we can tackle the challenges of climate transition.

Climate transition requires audacity in thinking big and adapting our infrastructure and institutions to the demands of the future.

Cooperation and collaboration are essential for success, just as they have been at CERN and other scientific endeavors.

A "Civic CERN" is needed to research and develop democratic climate transition, focusing on the necessary institutional, economic, social, and values-based changes.

The social sciences and applied humanities must be at the core of a Civic CERN, recognizing the importance of tacit knowledge and collective intelligence.

Mayors need support in managing a "moon mission" on the side of running their municipalities amidst climate transition.

Political and administrative staff require training in leadership to guide the path to climate neutrality.

Understanding the needs and motivations of citizens is crucial for successful transition, including engaging the young, middle-aged, and senior citizens.

A Civic CERN would provide a platform for prototyping, scaling, and researching innovative approaches to democratic governance.

A network of transition experts exists, comprising individuals who have navigated turbulence and change in their lives, offering valuable insights.

By combining explicit and tacit knowledge, collective intelligence can generate more tangible solutions than individual efforts alone.


With the audacious ambition of the moon landing mission, we can tackle the challenges of climate transition.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy launched the Apollo Mission, which culminated in the historic moon landing. This ambitious endeavor required the creation of NASA, a grand new civilian research and development organization. Similarly, the challenges of climate transition demand an equally ambitious approach. We need a "Civic CERN," a research and development organization dedicated to understanding and facilitating democratic climate transition.

Climate transition requires audacity in thinking big and adapting our infrastructure and institutions to the demands of the future.

Climate transition involves turning everything upside down, from norms and standards to lifestyles and values. We need the audacity to think big and adapt our infrastructure and institutions to the needs of the future. Just as CERN has pushed the boundaries of scientific knowledge, a Civic CERN would push the boundaries of democratic governance, developing innovative solutions to the challenges of climate transition.

Cooperation and collaboration are essential for success, just as they have been at CERN and other scientific endeavors.

CERN is a testament to the power of cooperation and collaboration. Scientists from around the world have come together to make groundbreaking discoveries. A Civic CERN would foster similar cooperation between scientists, policymakers, and citizens. By working together, we can develop more effective and equitable solutions to the challenges of climate transition.

A "Civic CERN" is needed to research and develop democratic climate transition, focusing on the necessary institutional, economic, social, and values-based changes.

A Civic CERN would focus on understanding the institutional, economic, social, and values-based changes necessary for a successful democratic climate transition. This would involve researching the needs of municipalities, training political and administrative staff in leadership, and studying the rights and duties of citizens.

The social sciences and applied humanities must be at the core of a Civic CERN, recognizing the importance of tacit knowledge and collective intelligence.

The social sciences and applied humanities would be at the core of a Civic CERN. These disciplines can help us understand the human dimensions of climate transition, including the challenges and opportunities of engaging citizens in the process. Tacit knowledge, gained through lived experiences, is essential for developing effective solutions to complex problems. A Civic CERN would create a space for sharing and leveraging tacit knowledge. Collective intelligence, where the sum of knowledge and solutions generated by a group is greater than the individual contributions, is another key factor in successful governance. A Civic CERN would foster collective intelligence by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise.

Mayors need support in managing a "moon mission" on the side of running their municipalities amidst climate transition.

Mayors play a critical role in climate transition. They need support in managing a "moon mission" on the side of running their municipalities. This includes understanding the needs of their communities, developing innovative solutions, and engaging citizens in the process.

Political and administrative staff require training in leadership to guide the path to climate neutrality.

Political and administrative staff need training in leadership to guide the path to climate neutrality. They need to understand the challenges and opportunities of climate transition, as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to lead effectively in this new era.

Understanding the needs and motivations of citizens is crucial for successful transition, including engaging the young, middle-aged, and senior citizens.

Understanding the needs and motivations of citizens is crucial for successful climate transition. This includes engaging the young, middle-aged, and senior citizens. Each group has unique perspectives and experiences that can contribute to the development of more effective and equitable solutions.

A Civic CERN would provide a platform for prototyping, scaling, and researching innovative approaches to democratic governance.

A Civic CERN would provide a platform for prototyping, scaling, and researching innovative approaches to democratic governance. This would involve testing new ideas, learning from successes and failures, and sharing best practices with others.

A network of transition experts exists, comprising individuals who have navigated turbulence and change in their lives, offering valuable insights.

A network of transition experts exists, comprising individuals who have navigated turbulence and change in their lives. These experts can provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of climate transition.

By combining explicit and tacit knowledge, collective intelligence can generate more tangible solutions than individual efforts alone.

By combining explicit and tacit knowledge, collective intelligence can generate more tangible solutions than individual efforts alone. A Civic CERN would foster collective intelligence by bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, and by creating a space for sharing and leveraging tacit knowledge.


Climate transition is a daunting challenge, but it is also an opportunity to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. By establishing a "Civic CERN," we can empower citizens with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate this transition effectively and create a better future for all.

Frequently asked questions

What inspired the concept of a Civic CERN?

The author was inspired by the ambition, audacity, and cooperation of scientists at CERN in Geneva, who have made significant advancements in understanding the universe.

What is the primary goal of a Civic CERN?

The primary goal of a Civic CERN is to research and develop democratic climate transition, focusing on the institutional, economic, social, and values-based changes necessary for a successful transition.

Who does the author believe should be involved in a Civic CERN?

The author believes that a Civic CERN should involve social scientists, applied humanities experts, and citizens, as well as collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and citizens.
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