Unlocking Personal Leadership and Building Bridges of Meaning: Sezen Sungur Saral at TEDxYildizTechnicalUniversityWomen

2 years ago

Unlocking Personal Leadership and Building Bridges of Meaning: Sezen Sungur Saral at TEDxYildizTechnicalUniversityWomen


Sezen Sungur Saral's TEDx talk focuses on her personal leadership journey and the importance of finding meaning in work. She believes that everyone has the potential to be a leader, regardless of their age or gender. Through her entrepreneurial journey, Sezen has empowered women and young girls by providing opportunities for them in STEM fields through her "Girls are Coding" project. She emphasizes the need to step outside of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown to discover our true purpose and build bridges of meaning.

Table of contents

Sezen's Early Years and the "Front Flip" Moment

A Journey of Success and Entrepreneurial Triumphs

Personal Leadership Starts with the "First Flip"

The Harvard Program: Bridging Work with Meaning

Empowering Women: Unleashing Natural Leadership

The Bridge of Meaning: From Company Mission to Impact

The "Girls are Coding" Project: Inspiring Future Leaders

The Parachute of Meaning: Embracing the Unknown


Sezen's Early Years and the "Front Flip" Moment

Sezen Sungur Saral's journey began at a tender age of four, where her thirst for knowledge led her to learn how to read and write before starting school. Determined to make an impression, she devised a plan to "front flip" her way into the first grade at her neighborhood school. Her audacious move not only secured her admission but also marked the beginning of her lifelong passion for pushing boundaries and taking calculated risks.

A Journey of Success and Entrepreneurial Triumphs

Sezen's academic brilliance continued throughout her education, culminating in high honors from Bogazici University. Her professional career saw her rise through the ranks of her first workplace, eventually founding her own firm that introduced e-book and tablet technologies to Turkey. She went on to establish Turkey's first phone factory with a predominantly female workforce. Her entrepreneurial success was recognized with the "Woman Entrepreneur of the Year" award twice in a row and a coveted spot in Harvard University's prestigious program for successful entrepreneurs.

Personal Leadership Starts with the "First Flip"

During her time at Harvard, Sezen discovered the concept of "personal leadership journey" and its connection to the "first flip." She realized that her childhood front flip was a metaphor for her initial act of self-leadership, setting the stage for her future accomplishments. This revelation emphasized the significance of identifying the root moments that shape our leadership potential.

The Harvard Program: Bridging Work with Meaning

The Harvard program not only provided Sezen with valuable business knowledge but also challenged her to contemplate the meaning of her work. She was inspired to explore the concept of bridging work with meaning, recognizing that a fulfilling career goes beyond financial success and extends to making a positive impact on the world.

Empowering Women: Unleashing Natural Leadership

Sezen's commitment to empowering women stemmed from her observations within her own company. Through workshops, she realized that many women underestimated their achievements and struggled to recognize their leadership qualities. She set out to change this narrative by encouraging them to acknowledge their successes and embrace their inherent leadership abilities.

The Bridge of Meaning: From Company Mission to Impact

Sezen's company mission, "only knowledge can overcome fear," became the driving force behind her efforts to create a bridge of meaning between her business and its impact on society. Together with her team, she delved into books and films that celebrated strong female characters and explored the work of foundations dedicated to empowering women.

The "Girls are Coding" Project: Inspiring Future Leaders

As part of her commitment to bridging work with meaning, Sezen launched the "Girls are Coding" project. This initiative aimed to empower young girls by providing them with education and resources in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). The project aimed to equip them with the skills and confidence to pursue careers in technology and become future leaders in their field.

The Parachute of Meaning: Embracing the Unknown

Sezen concluded her talk with an inspiring metaphor. She likened the auditorium to a plane carrying everyone towards a predefined destination. However, she encouraged the audience to recognize the need to "jump off the plane" and embrace the unknown. The "parachute of meaning" represents the purpose and values that guide us as we navigate the uncertainties of life and build bridges of meaning that lead to personal fulfillment and a lasting impact on the world.

Frequently asked questions

What is the significance of the "front flip" story in Sezen's personal leadership journey?

It represents the moment she took a bold step to follow her aspirations, paving the way for her future success.
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