How to Become a Marketing Superhero: Embracing Contradictions for Success

2 years ago

How to Become a Marketing Superhero: Embracing Contradictions for Success


This talk explores the challenges and opportunities marketers face in today's world, where contradictions abound. The speaker argues that marketers must embrace ambiguity and ambivalence as inevitable variables and learn to reconcile opposing forces. By doing so, they can create products and services that are not only profitable but also beneficial for customers and the planet. The speaker draws inspiration from ancient Greek mythology, particularly the story of Harmonia, the goddess of Harmony, who was born from the union of the god of war and the goddess of love. This highlights the idea that even opposites can come together to create something beautiful and harmonious. The speaker believes that marketers have the potential to be superheroes who can lead the way in creating a more harmonious world. By embracing contradictions, they can develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of both businesses and society.

Table of contents

Marketing is not just about selling products but also about helping the world.

We are all marketers, from the way we dress to the way we interact with others.

Marketing has become too focused on growth and profit, neglecting other factors.

The toxic cocktail of marketing, globalization, capitalism, and consumerism has created a number of problems.

We need to reconcile the contradictions between business interests and social responsibility.

The ancient Greek myth of Harmonia teaches us that contradictions can be reconciled to create harmony.

We need to relearn how to deal with contradictions and embrace ambiguity.

Marketers need to create products and services that are harmonious by design.

If marketers are successful in embracing contradictions, they will be seen as a source of value creation.

The speaker dreams of a world where marketers are superheroes who inspire innovation and harmony.

Marketers need to emulate the ancient Greek heroes who possessed superpowers and courage to face challenges.

By embracing contradictions and becoming marketing superheroes, marketers can create a better world for all.


Marketing is not just about selling products but also about helping the world.

Marketing is often seen as a tool for selling products and services, but it can also be a force for good in the world. By using their skills to create products and services that meet the needs of customers and society, marketers can make a positive impact on the world.

We are all marketers, from the way we dress to the way we interact with others.

We all engage in marketing, whether we realize it or not. Every time we post a photo on social media, we are trying to sell ourselves to our followers. Every time we dress up for a job interview, we are trying to market ourselves to the potential employer. By understanding the principles of marketing, we can become more effective in our personal and professional lives.

Marketing has become too focused on growth and profit, neglecting other factors.

In recent years, marketing has become increasingly focused on growth and profit. This has led to a number of problems, including: - The creation of products and services that are not in the best interests of consumers. - The exploitation of workers in developing countries. - The destruction of the environment.

The toxic cocktail of marketing, globalization, capitalism, and consumerism has created a number of problems.

The combination of marketing, globalization, capitalism, and consumerism has created a toxic cocktail that has led to a number of problems, including: - The rise of inequality. - The destruction of the environment. - The erosion of social values.

We need to reconcile the contradictions between business interests and social responsibility.

Businesses have a responsibility to make a profit, but they also have a responsibility to society. These two goals can sometimes be in conflict, but it is important to find ways to reconcile them. By creating products and services that are both profitable and beneficial to society, businesses can make a positive impact on the world.

The ancient Greek myth of Harmonia teaches us that contradictions can be reconciled to create harmony.

The ancient Greek myth of Harmonia tells the story of the goddess of Harmony, who was born from the union of the god of war and the goddess of love. This myth teaches us that even opposites can come together to create something beautiful and harmonious.

We need to relearn how to deal with contradictions and embrace ambiguity.

In today's world, we are constantly faced with contradictions. We need to learn how to deal with these contradictions and embrace ambiguity. By doing so, we can become more resilient and adaptable.

Marketers need to create products and services that are harmonious by design.

Marketers need to move beyond creating products and services that are simply profitable. They need to create products and services that are harmonious by design. These products and services should be good for the company, good for the customer, and good for the planet.

If marketers are successful in embracing contradictions, they will be seen as a source of value creation.

If marketers are successful in embracing contradictions and creating harmonious products and services, they will be seen as a source of value creation. They will be able to help businesses achieve their goals while also making a positive impact on society.

The speaker dreams of a world where marketers are superheroes who inspire innovation and harmony.

The speaker concludes by dreaming of a world where marketers are superheroes who inspire innovation and harmony. These marketers would use their skills to create products and services that make the world a better place.

Frequently asked questions

What is the key concept of the talk?

The speaker argues that marketers must embrace ambiguity and ambivalence to create harmonious products and services that reconcile contradictions like profit and sustainability, art and science, and human and tech.

Who are the heroes that marketers should emulate?

The speaker refers to ancient Greek heroes like Ulysses and Achilles, who possessed superpowers and courage to face challenges. Marketers need to develop similar traits to navigate today's complex marketing landscape.
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