Jump Off the Plane and Build Your Own Bridge of Meaning

2 years ago

Jump Off the Plane and Build Your Own Bridge of Meaning


Sezen Sungur Saral's TEDx talk emphasizes the importance of personal leadership and finding meaning in work. She shares her own journey, from being a young girl who boldly entered school early to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Saral highlights the role of her "front flip" moment - her bold decision to jump into the school room at age 4 - in shaping her leadership journey. She encourages women to recognize their own leadership abilities and build a "bridge of meaning" between their work and their lives. Saral believes that everyone has the potential to lead and make a difference, and that women have a unique role to play in creating a more just and equitable world.


Leadership - Front Flip: A Metaphor for Personal Leadership

Entrepreneurship - From Employee to Entrepreneur: Rising to the Top

Women's Empowerment - Women's Natural Leadership: Unlocking Potential

Education - Girls are Coding: Empowering Future Leaders

Personal Development - The Importance of Personal Meaning: Building a Bridge

Technology - The Role of Technology in Education and Empowerment

Conclusion - Take Your Leap: Embracing the Unknown


Front Flip: A Metaphor for Personal Leadership

Sezen Sungur Saral opens her talk with a captivating childhood anecdote, describing how she boldly entered school early, making a "front flip" into the classroom. This anecdote serves as a metaphor for her personal leadership journey, highlighting the importance of taking bold steps and believing in oneself.

From Employee to Entrepreneur: Rising to the Top

Saral's impressive career trajectory is a testament to her leadership abilities. She rose through the ranks in her first workplace, eventually founding her own firm, which brought e-book and tablet technologies to Turkey and established the country's first phone factory with a predominantly female workforce.

Women's Natural Leadership: Unlocking Potential

Saral recognizes the natural leadership abilities of women, both inside and outside of the workplace. She shares a workshop activity where female employees were encouraged to acknowledge their successes, revealing their hidden talents and contributions. This activity underscores the importance of empowering women to recognize their own leadership qualities.

Girls are Coding: Empowering Future Leaders

Saral's commitment to women's empowerment extends to the younger generation. She describes the "Girls are Coding" project, an initiative that provides science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) education to female students in technical high schools. This project aims to equip girls with the skills and confidence to pursue careers in technology and become future leaders.

The Importance of Personal Meaning: Building a Bridge

Saral emphasizes the need for personal meaning in work, drawing inspiration from her attendance at Harvard University's program for successful entrepreneurs. She encourages listeners to find a bridge between their work and its significance, creating a fulfilling and purposeful career path.

The Role of Technology in Education and Empowerment

Saral acknowledges the role of technology in education and empowerment. Her company's mission is to overcome fear through knowledge, and they have used this mission to empower women through education and training programs.

Take Your Leap: Embracing the Unknown

Saral concludes her talk with an inspiring call to action. She encourages listeners to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the unknown, like jumping off a plane without a parachute. She believes that our experiences and knowledge can act as our parachute, guiding us as we create our own bridges of meaning and purpose. Saral emphasizes that women are particularly adept at this, as they are "more equal" than men.


At what age did the author start school?

Almost 4 years old.

What was the first thing the author did to start her personal leadership journey?

Made a front flip at the age of 4.

What was the goal of the workshop activity with female employees?

To get women to notice and state their successes.

What is the name of the project the author's company is conducting?

Girls are Coding.